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Showing posts from 2015

Spring Update, a Possible Red Bay, and Banana Babies

I found a little tree about two years ago growing near the tall pines in the uncleared section of my back yard.  It didn't look like any other tree I had, so I transplanted it in the front of my house.  I need to know what it is.  It smells like bay.  It looks like bay.  I do think it is a Red Bay tree, and I'll be happy if it is, but I don't have the low-down on all the science-y aspects of tree identification.  The Red Bay is in the Lauraceae family, genus Persea, and species Borbonia. That's what I Googled- up anyway.  The Red Bay is in the same family as the avocado, and I love avocados, but I don't think I can grow some good ones 'round these parts.  If you've stumbled on this blog (or my personal-yet obviously public garden diary), then please feel free to school me on what type of tree this is (also, could I grow a fruit bearing avocado in zone 9?  I'd love to do that!  I have this red bay or whatever it is in the front y...