Okay, so you can clearly see that my new digital camera is AWESOME, or cheap, but you can see the fruit right? That's a persimmon tree growing right on the side of the road by my neighbor's house. Do not try to see what an unripened persimmon tastes like. Ripe persimmons look a little like old tomatoes, but not so ripe ones...yeah, don't even touch your tounge to see what it tastes like. I read not to do that, but I did it. I think it's going to take a bit of a while before these persimmons are ready, as I think they're not supposed to be ripe until winter or so.
On October 18th, I planted Carrot Seeds, Mustard Green Seeds and my Brussels Sprouts in a small plot in my garden. I double-dug a small area and covered it with organic topsoil. I outlined the plot with carrots, then with the mustard greens, and I planted the Brussels sprouts in the center. I heard that mustard greens are good to plant near Brussels sprouts because the pests that attack Brussels sprouts with go for the greens first, so here's to hoping my border of mustard will be a nice barricade for them. I've been trying to garden for a few years now, and I'm so not with it. I don't have pests memorized, and I'm pretty bad at guessing the right time to plant stuff. I should have been keeping a log of when I plant stuff so I can learn from my mistakes, so that's why I'm blogging, in case you stumbled upon this blog. It's really for my own self, but hey, maybe you'll learn from my mistakes too! I do have some eggplants, okra and sweet...
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