I got my digital camera and there's a lot to see. My garden is one big hot mess. You probably won't want to see that, but I DID order trees from the Arbor Day Foundation, and when they come in, I'll snap some pictures so you know what to expect. I floated all about the Internet trying to find out what these trees are like when you order them. I got 10 trees just for becoming a member ($10), and then I got a discount, and on top of that, I got two free flowering bushes and a free red maple when I purchased my two pear trees at that discount. They won't ship until the fall or so, so we'll have to wait for that treat. I think I might have to give some to neighbors, because I don't know if my yard is big enough for them all to grow.
Okay, so you can clearly see that my new digital camera is AWESOME, or cheap, but you can see the fruit right? That's a persimmon tree growing right on the side of the road by my neighbor's house. Do not try to see what an unripened persimmon tastes like. Ripe persimmons look a little like old tomatoes, but not so ripe ones...yeah, don't even touch your tounge to see what it tastes like. I read not to do that, but I did it. I think it's going to take a bit of a while before these persimmons are ready, as I think they're not supposed to be ripe until winter or so.
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